“The object of a question is to obtain information that matters to us, and no one else.”
- Sean Connery as William Forrester in "Finding Forrester"

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Monday, January 09, 2006

Inspired by Psalm 15

What do you require of my life?
Who is it that you want me to be?
In this world where things are uncertain,
And every situation demands me to be someone else,
Who do you want me to be?
You ask for my heart to be strong,
For me to do what is right
And to live a life of truth.
You ask that I speak with a gentle tongue
And that I treat every person with equity,
Seeing all as you do.
You ask me to work for the cause of good,
To love those who need love,
Especially when it is hard.
You ask that I give all that I can,
Asking nothing for myself
But having compassion and mercy for others.
You ask for my life to be as one blessed,
To be a vessel of your grace,
A messenger of your peace.
I confess that I am not who I should be.
And, at my best, I am far from your ideal.
Forgive me…

A feeling of calm runs through me.
I feel your presence all around,
And within.
I find comfort in your soft whispers,
Solace in your quiet company.
As I strive for the greater things,
To live out the love you have shown me,
Your constancy calms my spirits.
I now understand the reality of your words.
I must try with all my heart,
I must grow toward a higher purpose.
You do not ask for perfection,
That I be higher than anyone else.
You ask only for a courageous existence,
Living as best I can,
Not letting myself get in the way of your Love.
You ask that I make a difference,
That I be the difference in this world.
And I will do my part.