Two Months and Counting
The P&P Weekly will be posted tomorrow instead of in its usual Monday slot due to a busy weekend.
Kim was a bridesmaid in her friend's wedding on Saturday so I got to meet a number of people that will be coming to ours. We saw some things that we might consider including in our plans, other things that wouldn't be "us," and had an all-in-all good time.
With the wedding this weekend, we both have been growing more excited about our own which is now exactly two months from today. As the groom got up to speak, he said how he wasn't at all nervous and I can honestly say that I'm not either. I can't wait!
As I wait for DHL to deliver the new laptop - it's out for delivery! - I will leave you with a shot I took on Friday of the tractor from the summer camp I went to as a kid and volunteered and worked at in college. (We're working on a video for them and I was down there last week gathering footage.)
Until then...